Wednesday, March 18, 2015

"God Is Here . . . in China"

Our adoption trip to China is now history.  Amazing, painful, exhausting, inspiring history.
We were not able to post as much as I had hoped through
FB from China.  But when we did one comment I kept writing and intending to write to our FB encouragers was "God is Here in China.  He is here with us . . . helping us."
Over the next days (or more likely weeks and months), I hope to recount for God's glory how He demonstrated His presence and help to us during our two weeks in China.
I'm gonna scribble some possible topics here to jog my memory later:
God is here using our 3 guides as immeasurably helpful, encouraging assistants to us in China.
       Hours after typing the words "I feel like a failure as a mother to her."  to two other moms of older       adopted kids, our first guide said through tear-filled eyes as we left her--"I have learned much about being a gentle and patient mother by watching you this week, Deb Hayes.  I want to be more like you.  I will never forget you." 
God is here letting us meet other believers in China.
God is here connecting us to other adoptive parents in China.
God is here on Havyn Day in China.
God is here while we miss our family in the USA.
God is here answering your prayers in China.
God is here through atypical peace in China.
God is here allowing us unusual access to XiaoMei's special places in China.
God is here through my sister in China.
God is here present in grief in China.
God is here at the pool in HK.  
The plant
The temples
The Island
The Translator
The other older kids
The USCIS office . . . "uh, this is a problem. you may take a seat while i speak to my boss."
The TSA stop in Texas
Hotels, Holidays,
People and prayers

So while my beautiful, new, jet-lagged, pre-teen daughter has me awake through the night a.gain, I thought I'd scribble some thought prompters for possible future travel blogs here at Simply Grateful. 
These blogs may never come to be but this post will get me started if and when I have time.
To God be the Glory for His ever present help to us in China!