Saturday, September 1, 2012

She saw her!!!!!!!!!!!

One of the major blessings for our family this week was news from a friend that while she was picking up her perfect P in Seoul this past weekend, SHE SAW ALYVIA!!!!
Here is what my friend messaged me after accidently/Providentially meeting our daughter.

I SAW HER!!! And she is PERFECT! We were getting ready to leave the building, and the elevator opened and she was standing right there!! I literally dropped to my knees and started talking to her and taking pictures!! I told her you were coming and you loved her oh so much.... finally a security guard came and said we had to move because we were holdin everyone up!lol! She is the sweetest thing. Tiny and tall. So pretty. Smart eyes. Wasn't scared of me at all, but was looking me all over.

In one moment, M took more photos of  Lyv than we have received in our entire wait to travel. 
Most of you already saw this and know that this was a huge gift to us during a very hard time. 
But wanted to let the rest of you know that God provided this wonderful encouragement at just the right time.  Isn't that just like Him?! =)