Thursday, September 27, 2012

We interrupt our Korea Blog Posts . . .

To bring you 14 things we know about our Alyvia Huimanga after 14 days.

1.  She is very, very smart.
2.  When she is relaxed, she talks (in Hangul) a lot.  I wish we knew what she was saying.
3.  She likes to sing and dance. The three bears song is her fave.
4.  She is extremely cute.  She knows how to flash her million dollar smile at just the right time.
5.  She adores her siblings and is extremely fond of her Appa (daddy), too.
6.  She may eventually make friends with our family pet.  Right now they are kind of scared of each other.  As it should be, I suppose. 
7.  She already signs "more" and "please" at appropriate times.  I told you she was smart.  =)
8.  She will try any food you ask her too and while she eats almost anything, Rice, seaweed and  hard  boiled eggs are her faves.  She also really likes candy corn. =)
9.  She is great on the steps.  Praise be!
10.  She is sleeping like a champ.  She has slept from Midnight to 10AM for 3 or 4 nights in a    row. MORE Praise be!

11. She misses her foster family.  They loved her very very much and she returned that love for them.
12.  She loves legos, drawing and coloring.
13.  She is very very brave.
14.  She is a huge blessing to our family.  We will love her as our cherished daughter forever. 

Simply grateful to God for the gift of another daughter  . . .